Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Unlearning The Myths That Bind Us

In "Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us", we learn about the different ways the media controls our minds from a very young age. The large majority of young children watch cartoons on TV and display to them messages about standards for women, men, people of color, and people of low income. This article points out that there is a subtle bittersweetness to discovering the flaws to our once beloved cartoons that we watched over and over again as children. This is brought up more than once during the article, the question "why bring up the negative?". In examining the past we can gain insight into how to handle the future. One student, Justine, made a very wise and beautifully written comment that stated, "True death equals a generation living by rules and attitudes they never questioned and producing more children who do the same." So why should we bring up the negative? Why not remain ignorant and accept these racist, sexist, classist insensitivities as innocent cartoons? The answer lies in Justine's statement, to change people's minds, and to raise a new generation of people who will be more sensitive and accepting of people who are different from them. Many of the people in this class alone changed there minds drastically on the subject. " Before, I would have just walked into the toy store and bought them something I knew they wanted- a Nintendo or a Barbie. But this time, I went up to the clerk and said, 'I want a toy that isn't racist or sexist'." These student's minds have been changed drastically in the course of one class, imagine what just a little bit of education can do to change our society into a more accepting environment. 

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